Kale, Lacinato


Brassica oleracea


Days to Maturity 30 Days (Baby Kale) 60 Days Full Size

Also known as Dinosaur or Tuscan Kale, leaves are heavily patterned and dark blue-green. the Lacinator Kale leaves are sweet leaves and ideal in salads or for juicing.

This heirloom has a long history traced back to Tuscany in the 18th century. It is considered a primitive open kale with 3 inch wide strapped leaves that are 10 inches long on 2-3 ft plants.

Pro-Tip: Pick the leaves from the bottom up for continuous harvest. Known as a healthy green with lots of vitamins A and K. Very tolerant of cold temperatures as flavor becomes sweeter after a hard frost.

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Direct Seeding Rate:

Baby, 60 seeds/foot in a 2’ band in rows 2-6’ apart. Full size, 3 seeds every 12”, thin to 1 plant in rows 18-36” apart. Transplants: 12-18” apart in rows 18-30” apart.

All seed specifications are an average measurement of seeds per ounce based on crop type and are not specific to individual varieties.

Soil Nutrients and Requirements

Kale and Collards thrive in well drained fertile soil high in organic matter, with pH 6.0- 7.5. They can tolerate slightly alkaline soil. A general guideline is 2-3 lbs of 8-16-16 fertilizer over 100 sq ft of garden area two weeks before planting. If boron is not present in your soils, consider adding 1 Tbs per 100 sq ft.

Seeding Depth


Plant Spacing

Babyleaf- Direct seeding: ~60seeds/ft in 2-4" bands; Full Size- 12-18”

Row Spacing

18-30” for full size

When to Sow

Days to maturity are from direct seeding, subtract 2 weeks if transplanting. Direct sow as soon as soil can be worked or start transplants 4 weeks before planting date. Plant baby leaf every 4-5 weeks for a continual harvest. Sow fall plantings two months before first expected frost for full size and up until frost for baby leaf.

Companion planting: Beets, Chard, Rosemary, Onion, Chamomile